To understand the contribution of construction industry towards the nation economy, we must observe the factors that influence the construction demand. This means that it is the first industry sector which will be influenced by the downfall of the nation economy and the first industry sector which will generate the nation economy.

Therefore it will be very interesting to see how the political and social issues affecting the construction demand.Ĭonstruction industry is one of the sectors which become a benchmark for the growth of the nation economy. Especially Indonesia once had experienced a severe economic crisis in 1998 and still trying their best to raise their country’s welfare and stability. Any changes in construction demand will affect many people as well as neighbouring countries. Indonesia is the biggest economy in Southeast Asia. However, there is still lack of researches regarding to this matter with Indonesia study case. There are so many researches done before regarding to this matter. This paper is trying to discuss the factors influencing the construction demand for the various types of construction outputs. It is necessary to understand the factors that influence the demand for the various types of construction output. Keywords: construction outputs, influencing factors, economic crisis, Indonesia.Īlthough attempts to estimate construction demand are fraught with difficulties, it is still necessary to predict the level of demand for construction activity for a number of reasons (Ofori, 1990).

Observing Indonesia attempts will benefit other countries which are now still struggling from the 2008 Economic Crisis. Many attempts have been done by Indonesian government in order to improve their economic condition, especially for real sectors which affect directly to many people. In Indonesia, which has experienced the economic downfall during 1997-1998, is still trying to do their best in recovering their economy. Moreover we must look at the factors that influence the demand for the various types of construction output. The observation can be divided into several categories depending on the types of construction output. This means that we must observe the construction demand in a country. To understand the relationship between construction industry and the economic growth, we must first look at the fundamental of construction industry growth. There have been so many researches done before in order to know the contribution of construction industry growth to the economic growth of a nation.