Kamen rider blade driver flash
Kamen rider blade driver flash

kamen rider blade driver flash

Hammer Shell ( ハンマーシェル, Hanmā Sheru): It has the effect of increasing the attack power of the kick by using gravitational energy.

kamen rider blade driver flash

  • Strikes Part ( ストライクスパート, Sutoraikusu Pāto): A protector that protects the heel of Orichalcum Platinum, a super metal that absorbs 120 tons of shock and has a self-healing function.
  • Legs Shell ( レッグスシェル, Reggusu Sheru): A protector that absorbs the impact of 120 tons and protects the shin part made of super metal Orichalcum Platinum with a self-healing function.
  • Knee Armor ( ニーアーマー, Nī Āmā): A knee guard made of super metal Orichalcum Platinum that absorbs 120 tons of impact and has a self-healing function.
  • Hammer Knuckle ( ハンマーナックル, Hanmā Nakkuru): The back of the hand that has the effect of increasing punching power.
  • Golden Bangle ( ゴールデンバングル, Gōruden Banguru): Stabilizes gravitational energy and sends it to the fist.
  • Arms Shell ( アームズシェル, Āmuzu Sheru): An arm guard made of super metal Orichalcum Platinum that absorbs 120 tons of impact and has a self-healing function.

  • Gravity Reglet ( グラビティリグレット, Gurabiti Riguretto): It protects the wearing part and acts as a power conversion generator to send power to the arms and toes.
  • It also has the effect of keeping the body temperature uniform under any circumstances.
  • Mithril Armor Leather ( ミスリルアーマーレザー, Misuriru Āmā Rezā): A blue inner suit woven from the ultra-metal thread Mithril Kepler ( ミスリルケプラー, Misuriru Kepurā), which is stronger but lighter and more supple than steel.
  • Shoulder Guardner ( ショルダーガードナー, Shorudā Gādonā): A shoulder guard made of super metal Orichalcum Platinum that absorbs 120 tons of shock and has a self-healing function.
  • Force Cooling River ( フォース・クーリング・リバー, Fōsu Kūringu Ribā): A red part of the front and back chest armor that releases excess energy to cool the armor.
  • Shuffle Garter ( シャッフルガーター, Shaffuru Gātā): Fit the Orichalcum Breast to the wearer.
  • Orichalcum Breast ( オリハルコンブレスト, Oriharukon Buresuto): A chest armor made of Orichalcum Platinum ( オリハルコンプラチナ, Oriharukon Purachina), a super metal that absorbs 120 tons of shock and has a self-healing function.
  • Cooling Crest ( クーリングクレスト, Kūringu Kuresuto): It has a function to cool the built-in NEXSAS.
  • Inner Mask ( インナーマスク, In'nā Masuku): Crusher part.
  • Organ Sonar ( オーガンソナー, Ōgan Sonā): Blade can hear the sound of the needle falling 5 km away.
  • The images captured here are sent directly to the eyes through brain waves. It has a 500x zooming function, a fluoroscopic function, and a high-sensitivity night-vision function.
  • Organ Scope ( オーガンスコープ, Ōgan Sukōpu): Compound eyes.
  • Optical Beacon ( オプチカルビーコン, Opuchikaru Bīkon): O Signal.
  • Trident Feeler β ( トライデントフィーラーβ, Toraidento Fīrā β): Used for communication between Kamen Riders.
  • It controls the whole body with NEXSAS and glows red when it executes a special attack.
  • Idea Lancer (SPC-NEXSAS) ( イデアランサー, Idea Ransā): Equipped with a micro supercomputer NEXSAS ( ネクサス, Nekusasu), the next-generation computer of GENESIS used in Kamen Rider Garren.
  • kamen rider blade driver flash

  • Trident Feeler α ( トライデントフィーラーα, Toraidento Fīrā α): A sensor that catches the information.
  • Spade Shield ( スペードシールド, Supēdo Shīrudo): A clear shield part that protects the mask.
  • This form has no capabilities or attributes that distinguish it from the other Riders in Ace Form other than its melee-oriented fighting style and the abilities it acquires from the Spade Suit Rouse Cards.Īce Form's Blade Armor consists of the following parts: The transformation fuses the user with the DNA of the Beetle Undead, which also has that Undead's motif, the hercules beetle. Īce Form ( エースフォーム, Ēsu Fōmu) is the basic dark blue form of Kamen Rider Blade assumed by using the Blay Buckle and Change Beetle Rouse Card.

    Kamen rider blade driver flash